Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Blogs are Like My Poetry

A funny statement, I know. But if you knew me quite well, you would know that I only seem to write when tragedy strikes. Or when something really interesting happens. I'm sorry, I just can't get into daily blogging. Who cares what color my socks are - or even if they match? My life's just not that noteworthy. But for now excitement has struck again, so I must dust off the 'ol blog.

We've moved! Again. To anther state. Again. Sometimes I like to pretend that God transposed a number or two on my delivery date. I think I ought to have been an Indian maiden before the discovery of The New World. Or maybe the Indian blood that runs through my veins is more potent than the rest of the hodgepodge my heart sloshes around. Who knows. All I know is that my feet get itchy and I can't stand staying in one place for long. I just need to MOVE. To change everything. To reinvent myself. I think some refer to it as a gypsy soul, but I prefer to think of myself as a member of some migratory Indian tribe. :0) It sounds much more romantic. And less dusty.

This time I've gotten just a bit closer to my Indian roots and my elvish fantasies. We're in Oregon. And I have to say that I LOVE it here! Trees and trails and waterfalls! You could step off the trail and utterly loose yourself in the trees - and many do. Not that that's a particular goal of mine. It's just a feeling of freedom, of...wildness. Yes, the wildness that sometimes rages in my heart. Like a wild herd of horses that longs to run for the sheer joy of it.

But where was I? See how even my thoughts run from me? Rude.

Ernie and I are here in Oregon, starting a new life. I can't help but feel like a newlywed again. Like this time is the first time we've ventured out on our own. It's different somehow. We're different people. I feel as though I am a wholly new person in the last month. Like I've been re-made from the inside out. Have you ever seen Dr. Who? I feel like a new Dr. (I would hope that I could be as cool as David Tennant.) It's exciting! Exhilarating! And just a bit intimidating.

Ernie has a new job. It's fantastic to see him so excited about it. :0) He seems a new person too. More confident, more...Just more. :0) I'm so excited to see where God will lead us next! He is faithful beyond measure. None of this would have been possible without His hand directing every step.

What about you? Do you get itchy feet too? Or do you ever feel you were born in the wrong age? Similarly, what would you think of being a Time Lord? (I think I'd rather like it.) Tell me! I want to know what you think.


Hannah said...

and we're so glad you're here! Here's to change...and growth...and new friendships!! :)

Racheal Murry - Foolish Heart said...

I like new friendships!