Friday, August 15, 2008

Thunder and Hookah

Marriage is messy.

It's kind of like taking a rough figure and rubbing sanding paper across it. It causes you to look closer at yourself and your motives.

Tonight i ended up self-exiling myself to my back porch with a candle and my hookah. God decided that i needed to be reminded of my significance in this world. The entire sky behind my house turned into a continual light show. Lightning tore the sky from end to end - without the lightest peal of thunder. Even the Sky dances for Him. What had I thanked Him for today? Nothing. I griped and moaned and pouted all day. It really got me to thinking.

This is the conclusion i have come to:

Life is hard. I keep waiting for it to get easy. Slowly I am realizing that it's never going to. And i think the most difficult part about it all is Me. The way i deal with it. Or rather, don't deal with it. I just get mad. I get pouty. Pouty! The worst part is that I KNOW when I am doing it. And yet...I still pitch a stupid fit. I know it's ridiculous! Like Paul said, why do I do the things i know i ought not? Why don't i do what i know I should?

I am a messy, dirty, selfish person. I want to change - I NEED to change. I used to think I was good. The older I get, the more I realize how wretched I truly am. I know I need Jesus. Even when he provides for me, I am so quick to forget, so quick to shove him away and say, "I can do it!"

I need to stand on His grace. Maybe I ought to pray. What a novel concept, huh? :)

1 comment:

carrhop said...

This is so beautiful and honest and transparent. I know for me, my marriage has been a huge catalyst in me learning where my dark places are, where I am selfish and prideful and stubborn. We have lots and lots of joy and laughter in our marriage...and we have those days that are tough...and the Lord brings us through. He softens us, molds us, beckons us on down the path toward wholeness and holiness. And we inch along.

Thanks for such a beautiful post--and lean into Him~

p.s.--LOVED your comment over at my place on Dark Frugality! So glad others share my amazing hairdressing skills!!!