Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here's to Knocking on Mordor's Gates

I'm always thinking that I want an epic adventure. (Because pain and starvation and facing all the odds would be fun? 0.o I know, I'm weird.)

Today I had this idea that following Christ is like an epic adventure. Like Frodo Baggins leaving the Shire, we have to separate ourselves from the world. Not because the world is horrible and evil (ok, it is - just read the news) and we are better than it, but rather that we might save it. (Well, Jesus has already saved it, but most people don't know it. They keep walking towards death and despair.)  My point is, God does not call us to something comfortable. He calls us to the narrow path, the uncomfortable path.

And like Frodo, we cannot carry our faith and not be changed. The Shire, though he loved it, held little joy for Frodo when he returned from Mordor. All his hope became wrapped up in the Undying Lands to the West.

The truth is, I'm already living an epic adventure. I just have to remind myself of that sometimes. My little hobbit hole can get pretty comfortable and I forget that all of Middle Earth still needs saving.

So to speak, of course.

Edit: Please try not to judge my theology on this post, nor the fact that I just compared my faith in Christ to ring bent on destroying its barer. It's just an incomplete thought that I felt rather intriguing. 


Frank Rue said...

Epic adventure for sure! Thankfully, we are not left without a traveling party (fellow believers) and not without an absolute guide (Scripture). :)

Keep writing!

Racheal Murry - Foolish Heart said...

Ha! Frank, I actually thought of you while composing my edit - which you probably missed...