Friday, August 1, 2008

God's Good, Amazing Grace

So a little history lesson first.

Ernie and I have been struggling in debt for the last 2 years. I mean just drowning. Before we left California, we were literally sliding backwards more each month. We moved to Texas, made a budget, and a lot of changes. We got a handle on it, but truth be told, with our income, high interest rates and everything we were still going to be paying it off for the next 10 years. We seriously considered defaulting and dealing with bad credit for 7 years. We were a week away from just…ignoring it. Then we decided that we should pay it all. It became a matter of integrity to me. It didn't matter that we had paid all of the principle off and the next ten years would be pure interest. WE read the contract. We signed our names. Therefore, you needed to pay our debts. The parents offered to help us pay it off – rolling it over onto 0% interest cards and stuff. We declined. They had helped us enough. We needed to pay it ourselves.

That was one week ago today. My husband just walked into the office with a letter from his last employer. They've had a class action lawsuit filed against them concerning overtime laws.
They are FedEx'ing a check to us tomorrow for nearly $34,000.00! By the time the taxes are taken out, it should be around 14k – just enough to pay off our debt in total. Is His grace not amazing?!
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Wow! This is amazing. So encouraging to here about God helping you out financially.